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Ouderwetse bibliotheek

The employer's rehabilitation responsibility

When the employee has a reduced ability to work due to injury or illness, the employer's rehabilitation responsibility becomes relevant.

What does rehabilitation mean?

By rehabilitation is meant by efforts to restore an employee's best possible ability that has been damaged by accident, illness etc. The purpose is for the employee to be able to return to their daily lives and continue working for the employer.

The employer is responsible for the rehabilitation of the employee. Rehabilitation can take place directly within or in connection with the employer's activities. Rehabilitation can be designed in different ways depending on the individual's needs. The efforts that may be relevant must be assessed in each individual case and taking into account the employer's capacity and resources. For example, adaptation, work training and education are measures that may need to be taken.

The employer must establish a plan for the employee's return to work that is assumed to be completely or partially absent from work and has a reduced ability to work due to illness or various for at least 60 days. The plan must be produced no later than when the employee has been on sick leave for 30 days.

If it can be assumed that the worker's ability to work will be impaired for more than 60 days, but it is obvious that a full return to work can take place without the need for any special efforts, the plan may be limited to information on the reasons for this.

How far does the rehabilitation responsibility extend?

The employer's rehabilitation responsibility extends to the employee being on sick leave for a maximum of one year before a final decision can be made if the employee is considered to be ill for the time being or must return to work. The employer does not have to draw up a rehabilitation plan if, due to the employee's health condition, it is not possible, with or without rehabilitative measures, to return to work.


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